Welcome to
Caring about what we do
to reduce restraints for all
Who We Are02.
What We Do03.
How We Do It?Some of the sectors we work with
About Us
Let Everyone Know Who We Are
We are an experienced team of experts from a wide range of professional backgrounds, we are a collection of doctors, physiotherapists that work in musculoskeletal assessments, counselors, therapists, residential childcare and adult care workers, service users with lived experiences, teachers, care home managers, trainers in conflict management and physical restraint.
Our training provision can be developed to support staff who work in any sector where conflict and behaviours of concern arise, and solutions need to be put in place to mitigate against any risks that may arise
We all have a common approach that staff and service users should be able to undertake their designated roles that is free from risk and harm. Furthermore, service users’ lives should be enhanced through the services that is provided to them. Our training provisions have been developed to enhance people’s ability to have positive and safer outcomes in situations where conflict or behaviors of concern present a risk.
All our physical restraint techniques which are only used as a last resort have been risk assessed by doctors, physiotherapists, therapists and counsellors to determine the impact they have on service users physically and psychologically. Our restraint techniques are non-pain compliant in that they will not cause the service users physical pain for the service user and the person applying the restraint.
We aspire to remain at the forefront of best practice and learning and we constantly work hard to raise standards in training effectively in complex risk areas